The votes are in. You went to the polls, braved the lines, and showed strength in the face of rock n' roll adversity for naming one man's tourmobile purchased from a Craigslist used car listing in Berlin. The road is long and lonesome, and this beast will take us thru the heart of danger, sword n' sky against the demons (pot holes), trolls (traffic jams), gargoyles (road tolls), and fire-breathing dragons (meter-maids) that encroach our path.
The new car is now officially named "Chuck Ragan". WaBam! Chuck Ragan is one of our musical heroes and also the nickname of our friend "Ellie's dog. We would like to note that the car is named after Chuck Ragan the man, not the dog.
It was a close race all the way to the end between Chuck Ragan and "Yokeswagon," but ol' Chuck emerged victorious in the late innings. Honorable mentions "Carl," "Kyle" and "Pippen" had a fine run, but went home with gut-rot like a rowly-powly 4th grader named Cody on Halloween. Thanks for voting. You can see where we'll be taking Chuck in the coming weeks–or rather, where Chuck will be taking us...