Collab with Frontier Ruckus Singer Matthew Milia: "Fight Song (Cabin Version)"

Matthew Milia of frontier ruckus and I teamed up for this version of "Fight Song" recorded to analog tape. It's a song about friendship pulling you thru the lurch, and how your best buds are the best therapy. Huge fan of Matthew and Frontier Ruckus, they have been great friends, allies and neighbors just across the big water in Michigan. Photo by alejandro albuernes in Havana, Cuba.


Please take the reins away from me

Why can't I ever let it go?

I can't ever let it be

Sing a song before you leave

Because sitting in silence is one of the worst ways to fall asleep

One more sleep

One more dream

One more time

One more night

And after this I swear I'll stick up for myself

No more playing dead while I’m alive

If you want to be my friend, I'll be good to you

You will need somebody by your side

Yeah there is still a fight song left to write

The a.m. hits me in the face

It's freezing in my room

But they tell me what to do so I obey

The bell ringing in my ear

Like some kind of prison yard

I swear next year will be my year

One more day

One more haze

One last time

No more pain